Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Sharing Session :)

Salam Sejahtera  dan salam satu Malaysia kepada semua ,

Pada hari ini saya ingin berkongsi peristiwa ketika saya dipilih menjadi  Majlis Eksekutif Pelajar (Student Executive Council) sesi 2014/2015 bahagian Akademik Kolej Ibu Zain.Tidak dapat saya gambarkan dengan perkataan tentang perasaan saya apabila terpilih menjadi MEP pada 23 Mei 2014. Gembira? Sedih?  Ya, semua ada.

Pertama sekali, saya rasa gembira dan bangga kerana diberi penghormatan oleh pihak Kolej dan ia bukanlah satu perkara yang  mudah untuk menjadi seorang MEP sedangkan ramai lagi yang ingin menjawat sebagai MEP dan mereka bukanlah calang-calang orang. J  Ya, perasaan gembira itu tetap ada dalam hati yang kecil ini namun wujud juga perasaan takut untuk memikul tanggungjawab ini kerana ia bukan berkait dengan tugas semata-mata tetapi pada masa yang sama harus memimpin pelajar-pelajar yang lain.

Bersama rakan MEP & Mantan MEP
Bersama rakan MEP ketika Majlis Perlantikan MEP untuk satu UKM

Masa, ia itu adalah salah satu perkara yang harus dikorbankan apabila menjadi MEP, namun itu bukanlah satu perkara yang harus dirungut kerana untuk mencapai sesebuah kejayaan ia memerlukan pengorbanan. Ya, ini adalah takdir saya yang telah tertulis dan satu tindakan harus dimulakan dan tidak berguna lagi untuk mengeluh atas apa yang terjadi, kerana sesuatu perkara yang terjadi pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya. Hehe. J

Tugas yang diberi akanku laksanakan dengan sebaik mungkin!! Pengiktirafan yang diberi bukan untuk meninggi diri tetapi untuk meningkatkan dan memajukan diri.
Sekian. Salam sayang dan selamat maju jaya untuk diri saya sendiri  <3.
Jemputan Majlis Perlantikan peringkat Kolej

Gambar kenangan bersama Pengetua, timbalan Pengetua, barisan Felo, dan Rakan Seperjuangan saya iaitu barisan MEP sesi 2014/2015

Friday, 23 May 2014



too many people, especially those who have seen the giant panda in zoos around the world, the animal seems like a lovely toy come to life, an animated childhood fantasy. Its many near-human characteristics and its sad clown face have fostered an all too anthropomorphic interpretation of its behaviour.


·         The giant panda’s black and white coat and prominent black eye patches have made it one of the best known species, although it is among the shyest and rarest animals in the world.
·         At first glance, the giant panda would seem to resemble a bear, but in fact its features show it has a stronger affinity with racoons. 
·         The giant panda is a solitary animal, which spends about two-thirds of its day feeding and the remainder resting.
·         Although classed as a flesh-eater, the giant panda feeds almost exclusively on the stems, leaves and fresh young shoots of bamboo.
·         There are about 20 different species of bamboo that pandas will eat. However bamboo is so nutritionally poor that the pandas have to consume up to 20kg each day, which can take up to 16 hours.
·         The extra digit on the panda's hand helps them to tear the bamboo and their gut is covered with a thick layer of mucus to protect against splinters.
·         The giant panda has the largest molar teeth of any carnivore. Their lower jaw has an extra molar; their molar and pre-molar teeth are adapted to slice and crush tough plants stems.  Their strong jaws are capable of crushing bamboo stems up to 4cm in diameter.
·         Pandas may climb as high as 4,000 meters to feed on higher slopes in the summer season.
·         They may appear sedentary, but they are skilled tree-climbers and efficient swimmers. Pandas can takes refuge in the nearest tree when in danger from predators such as brown bears, leopards, or wild dogs. Its paws are broad with long retractile claws and furry undersides which help it grip when climbing.
·         It appears to use no special resting place, but simply lies down on the ground wherever it happens to be.
·         The giant panda does not hibernate but it will shelter in caves or hollow trees in very cold weather.
·         The panda uses its stump-like tail like a brush to mark territory with ‘scent’ produced by scent glands located beneath the tail.
·         Pandas have a highly developed sense of smell that males use to avoid each other and to find females for mating in the spring.
·         Five months after mating, a single cub is born in a nest of bamboo. It is rare for a female panda to give birth to twins; if she does so, the second cub is unlikely to survive.
·         The blind infants weigh only about 140g at birth and cannot crawl until they reach three months of age. They are born white, and develop their much loved colouring later.
·         It stays with its mother for about 18 months, until it is independent enough to establish its own territory.
·         The Chinese once hunted it, believing that its pelt provided magical protection against evil spirits.  Today, however, hunting carries strict penalties in China. 
·         There are only about 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. They are classified as Endangered.
·         Historically pandas lived in both mountainous and lowland regions of central-western and south-western China. They are now found only in the mountains of central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.
·         The main cause of the panda’s decline now is the erosion of its habitat due to the clearing of areas for crop cultivation.  Another reason is the natural die-back of the local variety of bamboo.  The panda will not migrate to feed in new areas, because it is hemmed in by human settlements, and so it frequently starves to death.
·         In China, measures are now under way to save the giant panda.  To help increase its numbers, special sanctuaries have been established with sufficient space for 500-600 pandas.  Both Chinese and American scientists are studying the animal’s habits and instituting conservation programmes. 

Monday, 19 May 2014

Resepi Aiskrim Goreng

Resepi Aiskrim Goreng 

Bahan-bahan resepi aiskrim goreng mudah jerr;

1 buku roti putih (cik tom prefer gardenia)
1 bekas aiskrim (mengikut citarasa disukai)
1 gelas (bentuk permukaan bulat & saiz lebih kecil dari saiz lebar roti)
**boleh jugak buat aiskrim homemade>> aiskrim jagungaiskrim coklataiskrim coklat oreo.

Cara-cara buat resepi aiskrim goreng mudah jerr;

1. Letak satu keping roti putih di atas pinggan.
2. Letakkan satu sudu aiskrim di tengah2 roti tadi.
3. Tutup roti & aiskrim tersebut dengan sekeping lagi roti diatasnya.
4. Make sure tekan sikit pada roti supaya ianya rapat dan aiskrim berada ditengah2 roti.
5. Amik gelas, letakkan atas roti & tekan sehingga terputus roti di tepinya
6. Ketepikan tepi kulit lebihan roti dan simpan roti+ aiskrim ke dalam peti sejuk sekurang2nya 2 jam sebelum goreng.
7. Goreng aiskrim goreng dengan menggunakan minyak yang panas & goreng sehingga nampak warna roti kekuningan.
**dah nampak kekuningan terus angkat.. jangan biar lama, nanti aiskrim dalam roti cair.
8. Aiskrim goreng siap dimakan! :)

Read more: http://www.ciktom.com/resepi-aiskrim-goreng-mudah-gambar-step-by-step/#ixzz343qkHyIs

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Annual Dinner: MATK KIZ 2014

Majlis Anugerah Tahunan Kolej 2014 (Kolej Ibu Zain)

Di sini saya cuma mahu berkongsi gambar-gambar saya dengan rakan semasa Annual Dinner Kolej Kami. :
Bersama Zuraini :*
Bersama My one & only SUKSIS

Bersama rakan-rakan kesayangan saya di UKM

Bersama anak pengetua kolej, Amy
Bersama pelajar Jepun, Yuki

Hehe, :D

Bersama my Love Fana Funna <3

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Khasiat Gamat


Kajian yang dijalankan menunjukkan Gamat adalah kaya dengan protein,asid-asid amino,vitamin,mineral dan juga asid lemak perlu

Gamat juga mempunyai khasiat yang tinggi tetapi tidak mengandungi kolestrol. Ia mengandungi lebih daripada 50 jenis nutriens seperti protein, lemak, gula, vitamin B1, B2, asid nikotinik, kalsium fosfat, zat besi, iodin, vanadium, zink, kalium, kromium, asid benzoid, kondrotin sulfat, asik mukopolisakarida. Kandungan protein dalam bentuk asid-asid amino seperti arginina, sistina dan histina adalah amat diperlukan untuk badan kita kerana merupakan asas kepana pembentukan deosiribonuekleik asid (DNA)

  • Merencatkan proses penuaan, mengurangkan pembentukan kedutan kulit
  • Mempercepatkan proses pemulihan luka
  • Meningkatkan sistem imunisasi Kondroitin & Glukosamin
  • Melegakan sakit akibat osteoarthiritis
  • Meransang pembentukan dan pemulihan tulang rawan
  • Membantu pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi
  • Merendahkan kolestrol dalam darah
  • Melindungi arteri
  • Mengurankan risiko mendapat penyakit jantung
  • Memperbaiki kesihatan mental
  • Membentuk tulang dan gigi
  • Memantau sistem peredaran darah
  • Meregulasikan denyutan jantung
Zat Besi
  • Penting dalam pengangkutan oksigen dan metabolisme
  • Diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel darah merah yang sihat.
  • Perlu bagi sistem tiroid untuk berfungsi dengan normal
  • Sebagai antioksidan
  • Mempertahankan sel-sel badan daripada radikal-radikal bebas
  • Mengelakkan kerosakkan sel
  • Mengurangkan penghasilan kolestrol
  • Terlibat dalam proses katekotamin dan metabolisme lipid serta dalam pembentukan sel-sel darah merah
  • Menambahkan bilangan reseptor insulin pada membran sel dan menggalakkan pelekatan insulin pada sel-sel
  • Merendahkan paras gula dalam darah
  • Memperbaiki masalah diabetes melitus (kencing manis)
Kebaikan lain
  • Meningkatkan sistem imun
  • Merencat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanser
  • Menggalakan pertumbuhan sel.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

How to do VLOOKUP in Excel 2010

VLOOKUP Function In Microsoft Excel 2010

Excel VLOOKUP function can be used when you need to look up the values in the specific table and check it against the other data fields for comparison purpose. VLOOKUP stands for Vertical lookup, used to find specific data from the datasheet. By creating a sample table generally referred as lookup table you can extract info from it and compare it with the desired field to yield required results. This post elaborates where you can use VLOOKUP  function.
Launch Excel 2010, and open a datasheet on which you want to apply VLOOKUP function.
For instance, we have included a student grading datasheet, containing fields; Name, Course, and Marks.

Now we will add new column Grade, which will contain grades secured by the students. Now for this, we will be using VLOOKUP function for looking up values from other table that contains sample data for grades.
Create two new columns containing marks range (sorted in any order) and corresponding grades. you don’t need to create them in a new worksheet, you can place anywhere in the existing datasheet as we just want to get values from it.

Now in the Grade first row, we will write VLOOKUP function. The syntax of this function is
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup] )

The first parameter of the formula lookup_value defines the value of the number which we will be looking in the newly created table. We need to lookup the value 80 (Marks field) in the newly created table. The next parameter, table_array defines the table we will be referring to in our case it will be newly created table, containing ranges of marks and grades. col_index_num defines data from which column we want to extract values to show, in our case it is the second column that contain grades range. [range_lookup]lets you to choose an option  either TRUE(approximately matching of values) or FALSE (Exact matching of values).
We will write this function in Grade first row, it will go like this;


In the formula parameters, C2 is cell of column Marks which contain marks secured by studentsF3:G8 is the location of the newly created table, containing ranges of marks and grades (use absolute referencing with $ sign), in the formula means that values from second column will appear, and TRUE defines that we need approximately match as we have included ranges not exact values.
After evaluating formula, it will show grade A in Grade column as shown in the screen shot below.

Now apply this function over the whole Grade column, drag the plus sign towards the end of Gradecolumn to apply it over, as show in the screen shot below.

Now we also want to calculate the prize money for each student. for instance, we assume the following criteria.
For grade A  $1000
For grade B+ $700
For grade B   &600
For grade C+ $250
For grade D   N/A
The criteria defined contains the exact value, so we will be making a small change in the parameters of the function. we will be choosing FALSE from [range_lookup] instead of TRUE as we want to show the exact match.
D2 contains the grade secured by students, so it will check the value in Grade column against the newly created columns, containing prize money criteria, as shown in the screenshot below.

Now apply the function in Prize Money column to view the prize money won by each student. Now as you can see in the screenshot below that by using VLOOKUP function it is easier to look up specific values for populating new fields by connecting different columns.

You can also check out our previously reviewed guides on How to embed videos in Excel 2010 & Adding Outlook email tool in Excel.